Friday, January 28, 2011

Valentine's Day

Yes, its around the corner!  Such a sweet day, yes, its about love REALLY its about sugar! :)  I think this year I will try to make some cute cupcakes.  I just love cupcakes, how could you not!?  So here are a few that are just too sweet to not share.

Adorable!!!  I don't think mine would turn out like this, these are almost too perfect to eat!

Cupcakes that look like flowers!  

And who doesn't LOVE getting flowers for Valentine's Day!?  I love pink roses, so sweet and pretty. 

Tuesday, January 25, 2011


So today I have had kitchens on the mind......what do I want my new kitchen to look like?  Hmmmm.....

These kitchens caught my eye, I love the clean, crisp look of white (however I do not think mine would EVER be so neat and tidy :)

This one has such a cozy family feel to it.  It looks like the kind of kitchen that everyone gathers around in, it has a rustic elegant feel to it.  I love the lanterns too, they add a nice touch.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Cute headboard idea!

I have been wanting to make a fabric covered headboard for sometime now.....this is really cute, I like the frame around it.  Its just painting molding from a hardware store framed around the fabric covered headboard.  What an easy way to dress it up!  I suppose I will add this to the "to do" list.  We will be moving soon, so I have decorating on my mind.....hhhmmmmm


Good Afternoon friends!
This is my first blog....we will see how it goes.  I decided to start this blog so I could express and share my love of parties, decorating, houses, flowers, cooking and the list goes on!  I know there are millions of these types of blogs and they are all great, its a fun way to express your creativity.
I am a wife and a mother.  I am from the South, hence the name .....and I think you should always add a little grace to your life!  So here goes, A Little Southern Grace.